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How To Open Your E-liquid Bottle.It can be tricky sometimes, so here's a guide on opening your e-liquid.

By:Khongtu Review Release Time:2023-06-29 12:24 Like:

For some, e-liquid bottles can be a little tricky to get into. Whether you have a slightly tight one or you struggle because of mobility issues, here’s a quick guide on how to open your e-liquid bottle.

How to open an e-liquid bottle.

Because of TRPR, e-liquid bottles have to use child-safe caps. These can be a little tricky to open.
The basic premise is push down on the lid and twist it counter-clockwise.
Sometimes, the caps can be fitted really tight and are harder to twist off. One method is to use a pair of pliers to squeeze the base of the lid as you pull down and twist.

Once your bottle is open, pull off the plastic ring that fastens the bottle to the cap. This helps to prevent it sticking again in the future.
What to do if your bottle is broken.
On the rare occasion that your bottle becomes broken in some way, there are a few things you can do to help.
If there’s a problem with the nib, you can replace it with the one on an old bottle. Nib problems include them snapping off or becoming blocked. When you don’t have the same kind hanging around, you can always transfer the contents to another one. You can pick up empty bottles for as low as 49p. They’re extremely cheap and a great idea to have as a backup in case something fails with your bottle.
How to open a shortfill bottle.
Shortfill bottles are a whole new ball game. While the caps unscrew in the same way other bottles do, you have to remove the nib to add your nic shots.
There are special tools that look like normal bottle openers you can buy. But, for those that are trying to open them by everyday means, try using a flat head screwdriver. If you’re using something like a screwdriver or butter knife be careful! It’s very easy to slip and end up jabbing yourself in the hand.
When opening a shortfill bottle we recommend never using a sharp knife or your teeth. You can really hurt yourself.
And that was our quick guide on how to open your e-liquid bottle. If you’re still having trouble or have any other vaping questions then feel free to contact us. Our friendly customer service team are here to help.

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